AdSense vs AdPushup Comparison

What AdSense OffersVSWhat more you need
Advertisers from google display network.Info Premium buyers from Google Adx*, Google EBDA** (Open Bidding), Amazon and more
Auto ads - an easy to implement testing feature but lacks control over ad layout.TestingMultivariate testing - to compare layouts and buyers based on geos and audience demographics combining with the best ad ops expertise.
A closed network that only shared limited information with buyers.TransparencyAn open ecosystem to implement industry standard tach and learn more about ad monetization
Basic ads fetched from google display network.FeaturesAd Refresh, Price Floor and more
Click-based (CTR) revenue modelMonetization ModelDiverse model monetizing impressions, clicks and other engagements
No customer support systemSupportAccount management and support

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The ad revenue optimization platform that's been shown to deliver over 5X the ROI compared to other vendors.