Glimpse for Ads

Make your ads come to life. Allow visitors to see live previews of ad landing pages just by hovering over ad creatives.

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Glimpse for Ads

Key Publisher Challenges

Low ad engagement

Publishers often complain of banner ad blindness along with poor ad viewability and active view time which are caused majorly by factors like decades-old ad formats. Poor ad engagement leads to poor performance of direct campaigns.

Poor click-through rates

Publishers are seeing historically low CTRs today which, in turn, impacts performance-based campaigns. With the increase in visitor awareness and consciousness, the uncertainty that comes with clickthrough destinations further acts as a deterrent against clicking links.

Ad space limitation

Adding too much information to the ad creatives can have an adverse impact on the UX while having very limited information can reduce their efficacy. Hence, maintaining the right balance between the efficacy of the creation and preservation of the UX is always a challenge for publishers.

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Glimpse for Ads

Product Capability

No Code Integration

Glimpse for Ads is an easy-to-use solution that can be added to publishers’ current ad stack within minutes and requires zero code changes at their end. It works smoothly with Google Ad Manager and has no impact on the core web vitals.

Multi-Platform Support

It works seamlessly with all kinds of devices including desktops, mobile, and tablets. While desktop users just need to hover over the ad, mobile and tablet devices use a pop-up anchored to the page.

A/B Testing

Publishers can optimize configurations through AI-powered A/B testing and have access to granular analytics for each experiment variation. It enables publishers to easily target a north star metric of their choice - CTRs, viewability, and active view time amongst others

Our customers love AdPushup

“Our experience of working with AdPushup has been really nice. From the approach of the nonintrusive pitch of the idea to integration, the responsiveness of AP’s team, as well as delivering results.”

— Mato Barišić Programmatic Operations Manager

PinkVilla Image

“We were looking to optimize our revenues from existing setup and we’ve used AdPushup for services like to run bottom sticky ads on our website and performance was good hence we planned to explore more opportunities with AdPushup.”

— Sanket Vora Sr. Ad Operations Manager

AdPushup is Easy to Use

We designed our product to enable the average publisher to take control of their ad stack. You don’t need a technical background to work with us or take advantage of our platform.

Easy setup

No coding required

Dedicated account managers

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AdPushup delivered a 50% ad revenue uplift for Pinkvilla

Pinkvilla specializes in Entertainment, Fashion, and Lifestyle articles founded in 2007. By operating in India and USA, Pinkvilla is one source for Bollywood news & gossip, Bollywood movies, Bollywood fashion, and TV news.

View case study
Pink Villa

Learn more about Ad Revenue Optimization

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14 Best Ad Networks Guide
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The complete Guide to Optimizing Google Adsense Revenue
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Find out what you can expect to earn from Adsense

Let’s Get Started

Over the years, we have helped more than 300 web publishers sustainably increase their ad CTRs, CPMs, and overall revenues without compromising on user experience. If you want to learn how our technology can do the same for you, go ahead and request a free demo.

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