Core Web Vitals Scores Analysis

In order to understand the industry-wide Core Web Vitals (CWV) standards, we conducted CWV scores analysis of top 10 publishers in 5 industries.

Arts and Entertainment Industry

Number of websites that passed the CWV score test:
Mobile: 3/10
Desktop: 4/10

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All Garage Floors and AdPushup

News and Media Industry

Number of websites that passed the CWV score test:
Mobile: 2/10
Desktop: 3/10

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All Garage Floors and AdPushup

Sports Industry

Number of websites that passed the CWV score test:
Mobile: 1/10
Desktop: 5/10

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All Garage Floors and AdPushup

TV Movies and Streaming Industry

Number of websites that passed the CWV score test:
Mobile: 3/10
Desktop: 4/10

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ChordU and AdPushup

Computer Electronics and Technology Industry

Number of websites that passed the CWV score test:
Mobile: 2/10
Desktop: 7/10

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CCNA7 and AdPushup